From Sucre, we took a day trip three-hours round trip to Tarabuco, which is a village best known as the home of the tradition-keeping Yampara culture and for its weekly Sunday market. Unfortunately we missed our opportunity to go on a Sunday (because we had been having too much fun with toilet activities the last week) so we saw it…

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Known as the “Silver City,” founded in 1545, Potosí surged to distinction in the 16th century during the Spanish colonial era when substantial silver deposits were discovered inside its prominent extinct volcano called Cerro Rico. The city, one of the highest in elevation in the world, rapidly became one of the wealthiest and most influential in the world. However, after…

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The Town of Uyuni If you didn’t know about the grand white expanse beyond its borders, you certainly wouldn’t know at first glimpse that this backwater-looking pueblo of 10,000 people is the most visited destination in Bolivia and that nearly 90,000 people pass through annually. Uyuni, at about 12,000 feet, on its own is in fact, a bit gritty, both…

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We knew would be enamored by the Salar de Uyuni, but what we didn’t realize is we would also love our day trip to the nearly deserted, almost ghost town, silver and tin mining village of Pulacayo. In fact, this abandoned time capsule with brushes of “fame” from Butch Cassidy, put us in our true exploratory element and ended up…

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Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat on earth, is so vast that its 10,582 kilometers of barren, salty crust can be reflected from space. Despite being surrounded by Andes, it’s also the flattest place on earth and sits at 3,660 meters (12,000 feet) above sea level. The grand white expanse was created between 30,000 and 42,000 years ago as the…

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Many travelers merely pass through Tupiza on a quick break from Argentina to Uyuni, but we realized early on that this picturesque town, known as Bolivia’s Wild West, was worth more than a stopover. It’s replete with hiking opportunities, gorgeous (albeit very dry) weather, stunning scenery, and also has the claim of Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid’s place of death,…

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Getting There/Accommodation According to the usually reliable Rome to Rio transportation app, it would take two hours to get from Tupiza to our last stop in Bolivia, Tarija. This was definitely not the case because it took about six. But, finally…our $6 bus was one of those classic Latin American buses we expected to ride in Bolivia, complete with broken glass,…

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2023 started with sickness, cold and challenges in Northern Europe and ended with different sickness, cold and challenges in Indiana (US), but the filling of this annual sandwich was generally quite warm and rewarding as we gallivanted South America like we'd never done before. We got to see and do things parked on our "60 by 60 Lists" like go…

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