

This page is meant to make your feet itchy, to give you a starting point, or perhaps to push you to continue planning your next travels. Our annual Geney Awards, put a spotlight on our very own ‘best of’ lists for each year since 2018 that we’ve been nomadic, as well as a detailed peak into our packs at some of the indispensable travel items we’ve amassed after 4+ years of non-stop travel. We will also sprinkle in a few other posts which have inspired us in our journey.

Be inspired! And happy travels!

Vietnam: It’s a Wrap!

Vietnam: It’s a Wrap!

With its warm hearts, amazing food, and stunning nature, Vietnam quickly won our hearts from the moment we landed in Phu Quoc until the time we left Hanoi. However, it was an experiment because this is the first time we’ve...

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Tokyo: It’s a Wrap!

Tokyo: It’s a Wrap!

It’s a wrap! Although we’re not usually big city people, we truly believe Tokyo…the biggest metropolis on the planet of 37 million…should be on every traveler’s list. This fascinating, futuristic and other world is a thrill for the senses and...

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The Geneys 2020: Our Year End Review

Needless to say, 2020 was not in any way the year we expected or even thought plausible. Travel or otherwise. Originally, on our 2 year around-the-world trip started in June 2018, and had planned to wrap up in November 2020....

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The 2023 Geney Awards: Our “Best of” List

The 2023 Geney Awards: Our “Best of” List

2023 started with sickness, cold and challenges in Northern Europe and ended with different sickness, cold and challenges in Indiana (US), but the filling of this annual sandwich was generally quite warm and rewarding as we gallivanted South America like...

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The 2022 Geney Awards: Our “Best of” List

Thanks to the world opening back up and that little bugger called COVID mostly being swept under the proverbial rug, 2022 was the most active year we’ve had since 2019. We visited 13 countries (Colombia, Peru, US, Portugal, Spain, Andorra,...

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The 2021 Geney Awards: Our “Best of” List

We live with the motto that, one can choose to be blind to the world, or to be an adventurer in search of its treasure. And, although we do believe in taking all necessary and proper safety precautions during this pandemic,...

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The 2019 Geney Awards

It’s hard to believe we’ve spent the entire year of 2019 on the road. But we did, and to reflect a bit we’ve compiled a few statistics to nerd out on… And now, on with our 2019 Geney Awards… Most...

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The 2018 Geney Awards

People keep asking us…what’s your favorite country? What’s your favorite food? What kind of travel apps do you use? So, we’ve compiled our top 20 list of things we’ve experienced so far… our 2018 Geney Awards! Most Epic Scenery Most...

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Taiwan: It’s a Wrap!

Taiwan: It’s a Wrap!

We found ourselves in Taiwan because we had a Jetstar voucher to use by December 31 and it was the only logical connection from Tokyo. Although Taiwan very much has its own identity and story, the island was our first...

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Singapore: It’s a Wrap!

Singapore: It’s a Wrap!

The island nation of Singapore is a world class melting pot of cultures, religions and activity.  For our first visit, we covered a lot of ground, but of course, only scratched the surface of all the things to do and...

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Building Connections Along the Way

Travel opens your eyes. To idyllic landscapes, delightful new foods, cultural experiences, local realities and new ways of thinking. These are all reasons we love it. But human connection is why we travel. You escape the bubble of everything you...

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Budget Travel Essentials: More Than Just Packing Cubes

Table of Contents Staying Fed Staying Hydrated Staying Clothed Staying Comfy Staying Fit & Well Staying Organized Staying Safe & Secure Staying 21st Century: Electronics & Productivity *Updated October 2022. We have been nomadic for four years since this packing...

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